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Children Poisoning

Children are very curious. Young children love to explore things by tasting them. This puts them at risk of poisoning. Learn about the signs and symptoms of poisoning, how to prevent it, and what you can do if your child eats something toxic.

what is poison?

A poison is any substance that can cause harm if it enters the body.

Almost all chemicals can cause damage if too many of them enter the body. Some chemicals can only be harmful in small amounts; and others are harmful if not taken in large quantities. Even chemicals that can be useful in small amounts, such as vitamins and medications, can also be harmful if you take too much, such as in the case of an overdose.

There are different amounts of different heavy metals in our environment. Accumulation of heavy metals in our body can have harmful effects. The most common heavy metals associated with human poisoning are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. The body needs some heavy metals such as zinc, iron, copper, chromium and manganese in small quantities, but in larger quantities they become toxic.

Some plants, animals, insects, snakes and marine animals produce poisons that are toxic to humans. Some contain toxic substances that are harmful only when consumed; others injected poison into the skin with a bite or beam.

    Food and water can also be a source of poisoning. Food cannot be contaminated with dangerous bacteria that produce a toxin when it is not handled, stored or prepared properly. Drinking water can be contaminated with chemicals, heavy metals and / or organisms such as viruses, bacteria or protozoa.

Poisoning can be acute or chronic. Acute poisoning is when the effects appear shortly after exposure; it often includes a single publication. Chronic poisoning occurs when poisoning occurs after repeated exposure to a small amount of a toxic substance (eg, lead poisoning).

Exposure to a toxic substance can range from mild symptoms (e.g. nausea, headache) to severe (e.g. breathing difficulties, organ failure, death). The effects depend on the dose, which means it depends on what the toxic substance is and how much poison has entered the body.

The effects can be limited to the local area (i.e. the internal area or on the body) or they can be systemic (i.e. extensive, affecting other body systems). Whether the poison has a local or systemic effect depends on the exact effect of the poison; but different poisons act on the body in different ways.

How can poisoning occur?

Poisoning occurs when a substance that can cause toxic effects enters the body in one of the following ways ...

  1. Oral swallowing (ingestion)

Poisons can enter the digestive tract through ingestion (drinking or eating). Most poisonings occur in this way. Young children often accidentally eat poisons. When we think of child poisoning, we mean a child who has a toxic substance such as chemicals, detergents, pesticides or ingested solvents; However, child poisoning is more common when a child ingests vitamins and medications.

  1. Lung breathing (inhalation)

Toxic gasses, fumes, dusts, fumes, fumes, fine mist droplets can enter the respiratory tract by inhalation. Pesticides, heating oil and gasoline are dangerous. Stoves, stoves, and oil or gas fires emit toxic fumes that can reach toxic levels if the environment does not have a good supply of fresh air. Carbon monoxide from car exhaust is a common cause of gas poisoning because it is odorless and tasteless, which obscures its presence. 

  1. Through the skin (absorption)

Some chemicals, pesticides and herbicides can be very toxic and harmful in contact with the skin. Some toxic substances burn or scald the skin before entering the body; other poisons can be absorbed through intact skin.

  1. Injection through the skin

Poisons can be injected through the skin with a syringe or needle or a bite or stab. The poisoning of poisonous animals, spiders, snakes and marine animals can lead to deadly toxins that are toxic to humans. Poisons that enter the blood vessels act very quickly, but poisons under the skin or muscles work more slowly.

Separated from the toxic effects of these poisons; Many people have an allergic reaction to adhesives and stains. For the most part, the allergic reaction is limited to local swelling and itching; some people may develop anaphylactic shock, a very serious condition. Rays in the throat or throat can cause swelling and blockage of the airways. A more serious reaction to multiple theft or gain can be a dangerous cumulative effect.

Children are at risk of accidental poisoning

Children between the ages of 1 and 2 are most at risk of accidental balance, but the risk remains high for all children under the age of 6. More boys than girls are being poisoned.

     Very young children are in the developmental stage of the oral cavity and oral examination

Children love to imitate what their parents do

Young children have no life experience to know the difference between what is good and what is bad for them.

Young children are curious and can stimulate animals and insects, which increases the risk of bites or rays.

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