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Keter Baby Bath Seat Blog

Parenting Tips for your Babies and Toddlers

Parenting Tips for your Babies and Toddlers

Raising a baby, especially for the first time, is both exciting and challenging.  This is a time for developing the bonds that will last a lifetime providing the child with the inner resources to develop self-esteem and the ability to relate positively with others.

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Tips on Bathing your Babies

Tips on Bathing your Babies

Baby’s first bath is a big moment, and baths never stop being adorable too! But baby bath time also requires more attention from mom and dad to prevent any accidents and to protect.

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Baby’s First Bath

Baby’s First Bath

Baby’s first bath is a sweet and fun experience for you and for your baby and your baby smelling wonderful. But from that first bath until teenage years, how often should your child bathe?

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Parenting Stress: Causes and how it affects us.

Parenting Stress: Causes and how it affects us.

What is “parental stress”? What do psychologists mean by this term?

According to psychologists, parental stress is the anxiety you feel when you feel you can’t handle it as a parent. The demands placed on you are too high. You do not have the resources to meet them 

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As mentioned above, children often wake up, but that doesn't mean they intend to wake up "completely" every few minutes. Upon partial awakening, children often wake up, sigh or vocalize. If you avoid stimulating them during these times, they can return to bed alone.

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