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Keter Baby Bath Seat Blog

Tips for First Time Parents II

Tips for First Time Parents II

Be careful when removing a baby's diaper as it may be exposed. When the girl cleans herself, wipe the bump from her face on her back to avoid a urinary tract infection (UTI). Add ointment to prevent or treat rashes. Always remember to wash your hands thoroughly after changing the diaper.

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Tips for First-Time Parents

Tips for First-Time Parents

Consider asking for help during this time, which can be very hectic and intense. Talk to experts in your area when you visit the hospital. Many hospitals have feeding specialists or lactation consultants to help you start breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Nurses are also a great resource to show you how you can hold, hold, repackage and care for your baby.

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Tips on how to increase your Child's Brain Power

Tips on how to increase your Child's Brain Power

Here's the thing: the rule of brain involvement is to use it or lose it. Synapses that are not "wired" are created by cutting and losing stimuli during the child's school years. Although a child's brain has complex neurological cables, such as the ability to learn any language, it is more manageable and vulnerable than an adult's brain. Giving your child a loving and language - enriched experience gives your child more opportunities to connect the nerve connections and pathways in his brain. In return, he will acquire rich language, thinking and planning skills.  

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When can children start eating baby food? Advice on when and how to introduce solid foods to your baby

When can children start eating baby food? Advice on when and how to introduce solid foods to your baby

If your baby has been looking for adult food for a long time, goes to his mother's mouth, or opens his mouth and lips as if it's time to taste, it's probably time to start introducing solid foods to his diet.

At the age of 4-6 months, children are more informed and interested in their environment. As parents know, this is also the stage when decisions are made orally, when they try to put everything in their mouths. This is a sign that the introduction of solid foods may be a good time

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4 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health as a New Mom

4 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health as a New Mom

During each trimester of pregnancy, you and your doctor will focus on many aspects of your physical health. You will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate and weight to ensure you are progressing without any health problems. You will be able to monitor for any chronic conditions like diabetes or heart problems to make sure your baby is strong and healthy.

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